Sunday 15 May 2011

6. Anthony Hopkins Profile - Quotes

The following are the quotes I found which I will be using in my actors profile:

“It was the best time I’ve had on a film in many years. [Branagh] Inspires people, he certainly inspired me. He gave me back my confidence, made me feel I had my chops still. Because I was beginning to get a little jaded in the last few years, thinking maybe I should just put my feet up and relax. But no he pushes you, and it was never done with malice, he always gets the best out of you.”

Taken from:

“When I read Silence of the Lambs at the beginning I had a hunch that it would be one of those personalities that would catch on, but I had no idea that it would take off in the way that it did.”

Taken from:

"As long as it's a nice location and the script is good, I don't wonder if it's a good career move and all that bull. It's a job. Point me to the camera, that's it!"

Taken from:

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