Sunday 15 May 2011

6. Anthony Hopkins Profile - Idea

I have decided to write an artists profile on the actor Anthony Hopkins. This feature will be targeted towards Total Film Magazine's actors lounge section, in which the publication explores the career of an actor and highlights their key films. The feature will be broken up into three main sections.

1.Short Standfirst giving a summary of the actor and their relevance
2. Actors Bio and film history
3. Key films

The key films section will give the the chance to write in a form that I havent displayed in my portfolio yet, which is similar to flash fiction writing. I will be writing a mini summary of Hopkin's key films, and each summary must come to 50 words exactly - not as easy as it sounds!

As well as this, I will be gathering a few useful quotes from online interview sources that I am able to use in this feature - no second hand quotes from other articles!

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