Saturday 14 May 2011

5. Review: Thor - Idea

Last night I went to see the Kenneth Branagh adaptation of the Marvel comic Thor. I was unsure as what to expect, as the concept is an incredibly difficult one to put into live-action cinema. The result was surprising: a film that, through the simple act of not taking itself too seriously, hits home and entertains perfectly. The film is a great success, so I was eager to write a review (being my final film review!) and voice my reasons why I loved it.

This review will be targeted towards the feature reviews found on the Guardian website. I thought it was important to write a review for an online publication, as the process is usually quite different. This piece will have a wordcount cap of 600, as they rarely exceed this on the Guardian website, and will not have any quotes from either director or cast. This review will be structured as folows:

Short synopsis
Main reaction
Main actor considerations
Other actor failures/successes
Directorial successes
Technical production

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