Wednesday 11 May 2011

4. Review: 13 Assassins - Quotes and Structure


Below are some interesting quotes from Takashi Miike. They were taken from a conference at the Film Society in Lincoln, New York, in March:

“The film is a remake of a film that was made when I was a child. There was no overall plan to make this movie, it just sort of naturally happened as a progression of things.”

“Older Japanese films have much more energy and are much more interesting than the films that are currently being made now. Japan as a nation has improved technically but in terms of cinema Japan has lost a lot of things over the years. I believe that if we try to make a movie the way they used to be made we might gain something.”

“Near the end of the feudal era Japan was in a state of peace,” he explains. “The Samurai had a certain way of life that was defined and more peaceful. The film reflects the idea that this peace cannot be maintained for too long, that politicians weren’t able to maintain it. Within only a hundred years the Samurai were taken out, and the West moved in, and the quickened pace of history is reflected in this film.”

“A lot of director’s check back to define their style as this or that,” Says Miike. “I just try to take what comes along and do things how they feel they should be done naturally. I might come back next time and do something even more vile or appalling the next time around!”

“The most important thing when making a remake of a movie is to respect how the original movie was made and be influenced by that, and have a love for the movie itself. You find a real sense of freedom by being honest with yourself and paying respect to the people who made the movie. When you show this respect and love for the original you have some freedom in how you recreate it.”


As this review is targeted towards the longer feature reviews shown in Empire magazine, it will be more descriptive, with a lengthier critique and a lot more background information. As such, the structure will need to be different to those in smaller reviews. I have decided to structure this review as follows:


First reaction to the film and main point of feature

Short synopsis



Cinematography and technical significance

Directorial intentions

Challenge of recreating a classic

Next step for Miike


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